The Groppenstein Gorge is a breath-taking natural gem. A 2.5km trail takes you across spectacular climbing paths and bridges, past rapids and waterfalls up to 30m high. Experience the health-restoring benefits of a natural spring in a blissfully tranquil setting. A gorge for all the senses - and for all the family!


As early as the Middle Ages, the side valley leading towards Mallnitz was opened up for merchant traffic with the construction of the tollgate in Obervellach (starting point of the Groppenstein gorge), forming the so-called “Fuggerstraße” that led across Korntauern Mountain to take provisions to the mountain farmers of the Gastein region.


The former tollgate belonged to the Archduke and consisted of a one-storey, square tower with quarry-stone walls, measuring 4x4m. The tollgate was in operation from the second half of the 13th century until the first half of the 16th century.


At the starting point of Groppenstein gorge, remnants of a paper and cellulose factory constructed by the Fleischhacker family still survive.

Mautturm - historic tolltower and entrance to the Groppensteinschlucht Gorge
Mautturm - historic tolltower and entrance to the Groppensteinschlucht Gorge


The Groppenstein gorge is the geographical border between the Sonnblick and Reißeck groups. The creek bed of the Mallnitz creek  has a smooth polish that results from the Auernig-Törlkopf rockslide and consists of greenstone.


Other minerals to be found here are quartzites, phyllites and granite gneiss. The vegetation along the creek features large-leafed butterbur, Great Marsh Thistles, Marsh Cranesbill and other rare plants such as orchids and clematis. 


Besides the spruce forest that dominates the vegetation, grey alder, ash trees, elms, fir trees and beeches can also be found. In early summer, Groppenstein gorge is an absolute paradise for birds – dippers, blue tits, great tits, finches, wrens, blackcaps, chiffchaffs, coal tits and many other species of birds congregate here, as do rare fire salamanders.


The Groppensteinschlucht Gorge is part of the Tauern Window, which is a geological sensation. The highest mountains in the Hohe Tauern region consist of rock strata that would otherwise be found in the lowest geological layers of the Alps. The Tauern Window lets you see these deep layers on the surface. It provides a view of the Earth's history stretching over millions of years. 



The Tauern Window measures 160 kilometres in length and spans from the Brenner Pass in the west to Katschberg in the east. Its North-South axis is 30-60 kilometres in length.



Central gneiss formed from magma that solidifies to become granite, granodiorite and tonalite and later transformed to gneiss. The rocks of the crystalline basement are the Tauern Window's oldest rocks. 

Quelle: ibg ZT GmbH, Mitterlingweg 14, 9520 Sattendorf 

Groppenstein Castle
Groppenstein Castle


Groppenstein Castle is located in a special place. It is near the junction of Mallnitzbach into the Möll and thus marks the entrance to the unique Groppenstein Gorge. The distinctive structure was converted in the 15th century into a fortification and has been standing on its elevated location like a stronghold ever since. In 1872 the castle was renovated by Vienna architect Adolf Stipperger who gave it its current appearance. With its drawbridge and gate tower it not only looks majestic, but also retains its timeless beauty for many generations of visitors to come.